Learning from Europe

Dear Friends, Partners and Colleagues

Please find below all the release dates of our new online format „Learning from Europe“

Access to the online keynote speeches will be available here!



THURSDAY June 24 2021 10-12.00

Requirements for egalitarian participation

See Abstract here



MITTWOCH, 24. März 2021

Kunst und Kultur brauchen Solidarität
Abstract hier

Johannes Studinger (Head of Department UNI MEI)
Rede hier abrufbar

Elisabeth O. Sjaastad (Head of Filmforbundet)
Rede hier abrufbar

Karan O’ Loughlin (SIPTU Divisional Organiser and UNI MEI Vice President)
Rede hier abrufbar

Korinna Schumann (ÖGB-Vizepräsidentin und –Frauenvorsitzende)
Rede hier abrufbar

Christian Meidlinger (Vorsitzender der Younion_Die DaseinsGewerkschaft)
Rede hier abrufbar



FRIDAY October 16 2020 11-11.30 am
European film funding policies – Similarities and differences in the Danish and Austrian film industry

Petar Mitric (Researcher, University of Copenhagen)
Watch here
See Abstract here


TUESDAY October 20 2020 11-11.30
FAF — The history of the film workers‘ union and background stories to the current negotiations of the collective agreement

Rene Høyer Jørgensen (General Secretary, FAF — The Danish National Trade Union for Film and Television Workers)
Watch here


FRIDAY October 23 2020 11-11.30
Cornerstones of the Danish production landscape and the producers’ perspective on the collective agreement

Søren Henrik Jørgensen (Jurist, Danish Producers’ Association)
Watch here


TUESDAY October 27 2020 11-11.30
Gender (in-)equality in Denmark — On the relations of working conditions and the gender debate in Denmark

Benjamin Boe Rasmussen (Actor, Danish Actors‘ Association)
Watch here
See Abstract here


FRIDAY October 30 2020 11-11.30
Background to the Benchmark — Comparative analysis of the cost and practical conditions of local film production in Germany and Denmark

Ulrik Bolt Jørgensen (Film Producer, CEO Arena Film ApS)
Watch here


Thanks to our cooperating partners and supporters VdFS – Collecting Society of Audiovisual Authors, Austrian Filmmakers‘ Association, IMAGO – International Federation of Cinematographers and Creative Europe Desk Austria – MEDIA.